The squatter settlements have been successfully evacuated from the site premise. We are now set to commence Fencing shear walls and complete site hoarding. Branding has commenced off-site.

Approval Documentation
The Lagos state physical planning authority has confirmed our drawings to be satisfactory. However, given the magnitude of the development and being a waterfront development, we had to go through the Ministry of Water Front Infrastructure, and the processing is being concluded. We are also processing Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA). LUPA and PPTR reports are ready to be submitted along with the Planning Permit Application.

Lagos State Physical Planning Authority Inspection

As part of the due diligence by LASPPA and The ministry of waterfront infrastructure, their representatives visited the site to confirm it had no erected structure on it and that the land size is in congruence with the survey plan in the title document submitted to them.
The site was inspected on the 14th of January, and the report was submitted to the Permanent Secretary and Commissioner.